All a youth needs

is one adult

to believe in him

The Bino Guidance Center believes in every youth and provides a comprehensive and holistic response for ultra-Orthodox boys and girls in Jerusalem

Our services:

The Bino Guidance Center takes care of the next generation free of charge.

Individual and group guidance in the neighborhood

Individual and group guidance in the neighborhood

The best help is the kind provided in a familiar environment. For this purpose, the Bino Center provides expert field coordinators who specialize in locating youth in distress within the neighborhood. The coordinators conduct evening meetings and ongoing activities...
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Lectures and workshops for parents

Lectures and workshops for parents

Dealing appropriately with adolescence and its implications requires learning. All over Jerusalem, Bino holds series of lectures and workshops delivered by leading experts in order to give parents the best tools for coping with adolescents or those struggling in the home.
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Finding a suitable framework

Finding a suitable framework

A teenager cannot flourish in an institution that does not suit him. Bino employs the best placement professionals in order to find each youth the best framework for him, whether in the yeshiva world or at suitable alternatives, and employs all means in order to place the youth in the chosen institution of learning...
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Parent counseling line

Parent counseling line

Many questions require an immediate response. Throughout the day, the Bino team provides immediate telephone consultation anonymously, discreetly and of high quality.
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Training and employment centers

Training and employment centers

Even when outside a framework, a youth must still have one. The Bino Center maintains training and employment centers that provide an appropriate and useful framework for youth who are not currently in such a framework. In the training centers, the boys realize their abilities, gain satisfaction, and open the door to opportunities.
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Training educational staff to treat dropout youth

Training educational staff to treat dropout youth

The best treatment is prevention. Bino maintains a teacher learning system in order to train them in finding at-risk youth at the beginning of their journey and treat them. In addition, the organization maintains a learning system for proper conduct with dropout youth who are still within the framework.
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Therapeutic units

Therapeutic units

In order to overcome a difficulty, you need help. Bino manages a pool of supporters, counselors, psychologists and mental health professionals in order to provide the best to every boy in need of help. It is understood that everything is done with the agreement and cooperation of the youth and parents.
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‘Youth with Us’ newsletter

‘Youth with Us’ newsletter

Awareness prevents disaster. Bino’s professionals issue a bi-weekly newsletter aimed at raising awareness among parents and youth with regard to issues that characterize adolescence. In the newsletter: life stories, Q&A, information on adolescents, and more.
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The Bino Center’s work method

From the end of the spectrum

איתור חניך/חניכה בקהילה.
אנו מאתרים את הנערים הזקוקים לנו באמצעות שוטטות
במקומות מפגש ייעודיים,
שיחה עם רבני הקהילה,
שיחה עם תושבים
ופנייה אל קו הייעוץ שלנו.

Locating youth in the community.
We locate the teenagers who need us
by walking around designated meeting places,
conversations with community rabbis,
conversations with local residents,
and calls to our counseling line.

  1. קליטת החניך/חניכה
    ע”י מנהל/ת האזור (עו”ס)
  2. אינטייק בתוכנת המרכז
  3. מיקוד קושי ומיקוד מענים
  4. הפניה לגורמי הטיפול הרלוונטיים במרכז
  1. Absorption of the boy/girl
    by the regional manager (social worker)
  2. Intake in the center’s software
  3. Pinpointing the difficulty and responses
  4. Referral to the relevant care providers in the center
  1. קליטת החניך/חניכה
    ע”י מנהל/ת האזור (עו”ס)
  2. אינטייק בתוכנת המרכז
  3. מיקוד קושי ומיקוד מענים
  4. הפניה לגורמי הטיפול הרלוונטיים במרכז
  1. Dropout youth – will be referred for placement and integration in frameworks.  At the same time, they will receive continued guidance and complementary treatment in the community according to the difficulties identified at the intake stage.
  2. Youth in frameworks – shall be guided by a coordinator in the community. The guidance shall be provided with the blessing of the educational institution at which the youth reside and provide an expanded response in accordance with the difficulty and needs.
  3. The Bino Center’s complementary responses include therapy in a clinical unit, parent counseling and guidance, professional training courses in the neighborhood, and job placement.
  4. Coordinators is involved in the guidance and treatment process at all times.
  1. קליטת החניך/חניכה
    ע”י מנהל/ת האזור (עו”ס)
  2. אינטייק בתוכנת המרכז
  3. מיקוד קושי ומיקוד מענים
  4. הפניה לגורמי הטיפול הרלוונטיים במרכז
  1. About six months after locating and guidance, we conduct a diagnosis for the boy/girl, and their condition is measured in accordance with the location period.
  2. During the assessment, the responses are clarified, and the youth’s condition is checked. It often occurs that the boy/girl gets back on the right track.
  3. During this period, the coordinator switches from ‘treatment’ to ‘guidance’ mode while maintaining continuous contact in order to prevent repeated falls.

Deployment throughout the city

Bino’s team of coordinators
is deployed throughout the city

in order to provide a customized response –
professional, effective, and high-quality in each neighborhood

Let the numbers talk

Youth placed by Bino in frameworks and yeshivas
‘Youth with Us’ newsletters distributed throughout the city
Youth treated at the Bino treatment unit
Parents have participated in dropout prevention workshops over the past year
New professionals trained to work with youth at the Bino Center
Youth currently under guidance of Bino staff
Field coordinators working on behalf of Bino throughout the city
Parents call the Bino Center's counseling lines each year
Jerusalem neighborhoods have an orderly Bino Center branch established in them
Youth received vocational training at the Center in the past year


לפני שיהיה מאוחר מידי…

לפני שיהיה מאוחר מידי… \ הרב יצחק אבוחצירא, מאבחן ומטפל רגשי, מנהל תוכנית היל”ה לנוער חרדי לפני כמה שנים, בבוקרו של חג השבועות, זכיתי להתפלל עם

קרא עוד »

נחת לשכינה או לשכנה?

מאבק המלחמה בירידת הדורות מוטל על כתפי הדור הקודם כמובן: על האבות ולא על הבנים, כאשר ניצחון המאבק מהווה את נס היותנו עם אחד לאורך כל ההיסטוריה האנושית.
הנהגת ה’ המצופה מאיתנו מחייבת אהבה וקבלה, הכלה וסבלנות

קרא עוד »

מי צריך מסגרת?

מילים כמו ‘יעיפו אותך מהסמינר’ כבר אינן מהלכות עליה אימים. יעיפו? מצוין, זה יהיה הסוף לסאגה. אל תדאגו, יש לה לאן ללכת. חנות הנעליים בקצה

קרא עוד »