Training educational staff in the field to treat dropout youth

New professionals trained to work with youth at the Bino Center

Training educational staff to treat at-risk youth

Bino coordinators invest a great deal of effort in locating struggling boys while they are still in the educational framework.
The Bino team knows that providing a solution to the boy while he is still in the organized educational framework may halt the deterioration and help in rebuilding him.

However, the coordinators are not the institutional teachers who meet the youth on a daily basis, and as long as they cannot pinpoint the problem, we at the Center are afraid that our help could arrive too late.
In order to identify the difficulties from their inception, the Center’s staff holds seminars, conferences and lectures for the staff of the educational institutions.
At the conferences and lectures, teaching staff learn to recognize distress signals, detect the first signs of difficulty, and provide a response.

The training provides teachers with a ‘First Aid’ tool for struggling youth within the framework, and also gives them the ability to know when they need to contact the expert support team for help.

For inquiries on the topic of struggling boys, click here

in dropout prevention

For inquiries on training and employment options, contact us.

Michael Argaman